1. What inspired you to join Undercard and start your fitness journey?

I was definitely in a fitness funk at the start of last year and a very good friend of mine told me to try an undercard class with her - I’m still going! It’s the most consistent I’ve been with exercise in years and although the classes are challenging to say the least, what you get out of them surpasses any expectations. I love that you are your own biggest competitor and that the classes have always catered to my abilities, while always pushing and improving me!

2. How has being a member of Undercard impacted your overall health and well-being?

Besides my general physical health improving significantly, it’s the mental health benefits that keep me coming back. I have a tough job and Undercard helps me to relieve all those stress and focus on myself. I feel so energized and positive when I leave, I notice how much it affects my mood throughout the week if I don’t go!

3. Congratulations on completing your 8-week program with FIKA Nutrition. How was your experience? 

The experience was soooo good! And it helps that Zoe is in the gym, even though she’s always in my pocket. I’m down 10kg in the last 12 weeks and have kept on with FIKA because of the knowledge and support there to help me achieve my goals! It has helped so much not only with knowing what to eat but also with my relationship with food; eating things I enjoy, meaning it’s a more long-term change and sustainable way of life.  

4. Do you have a favorite memory or moment from one of our classes that stands out?

Getting my 100 classes - Em was teaching that day and gave me a big clap but Alicia gave me a shout out at the next class too! I was proud of myself but it also feel like all the trainers care and are your biggest cheerleaders!   

5. Finally, What advice would you give to someone who's thinking of giving Undercard a go?

It can be intimidating regardless of your fitness level to do a new class let alone a boxing class but I would recommend it to anyone (and have done!). You will never regret going and I guarantee you will leave feeling 100% better than when you walked in!