The Profound Benefits of Boxing

Today, let’s lace up our gloves and explore the mesmerizing world of boxing. Beyond the punches and the sweat, there's a trove of benefits waiting to be discovered.

Building Strength, Inside and Out
At its core, boxing is a
full-body workout. With every jab, cross, hook, and uppercut, you're engaging muscles you never knew existed. From your arms to your core, and even your legs, every movement in boxing contributes to building strength and endurance.

But the strength gained from boxing isn't just physical. It's mental too. The discipline required to step into the ring, to push through rounds of training, and to constantly strive for improvement, builds mental fortitude like no other.

Stress Relief in Every Punch
Life can throw some pretty hefty punches, but boxing teaches us how to throw them right back. There's something inherently cathartic about pounding away at a heavy bag or dancing around the ring. With each punch, stress melts away, replaced by a sense of empowerment and control.

Boxing isn't just about releasing pent-up stress, though. It's about channeling that energy into something positive. As you focus on technique and form, your mind becomes clear, and the worries of the day seem to fade into the background.

Cardiovascular Conditioning: The Heart of the Matter
If you've ever doubted the effectiveness of boxing as a cardio workout, one session in the ring will quickly put those doubts to rest. Boxing is an intense cardiovascular workout that gets your heart pumping and your blood flowing.

With its combination of high-intensity intervals and sustained effort, boxing is a surefire way to improve your cardiovascular health. Whether you're skipping rope, shadowboxing, or
sparring with a partner, you'll feel your heart rate climb as you push your limits and reach new heights of endurance.

Sharp Minds, Swift Hands
Boxing isn't just about brute strength and raw power; it's also about finesse and precision. Every punch thrown requires careful calculation and split-second decision-making. It's like a game of chess, but with gloves instead of pieces.

As you
train your body to move with speed and agility, you're also training your mind to think on its feet. Boxing improves hand-eye coordination, reaction time, and spatial awareness, skills that are valuable both inside and outside the ring.

A Sense of Community and Camaraderie
Finally, perhaps one of the most underrated benefits of boxing is the
sense of community it fosters. Whether you're training alongside fellow boxers or sparring with a coach, there's a unique bond that forms between individuals who share a love for the sport.

In the gym, you'll find people from all walks of life, united by their passion for boxing. Together, you'll sweat, you'll struggle, and you'll triumph, forging friendships that extend far beyond the ring.

So there you have it, folks: the hidden gems of boxing. From strength and stress relief to cardiovascular conditioning and camaraderie, boxing offers a multitude of benefits for both body and mind. So why wait? Grab your gloves, step into the ring, and experience the magic of boxing for yourself.

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How to Make Boxing a Habit

Hey there, champions-in-training! If you've ever set foot in a boxing gym, you know there's something undeniably addictive about the sport. From the adrenaline rush of landing that perfect punch to the sense of accomplishment that comes from pushing yourself to your limits, boxing has a way of hooking you in and leaving you hungry for more.

But let's be real: making working out, especially
boxing, a habit isn't always easy. Life gets busy, motivation wanes, and before you know it, those well-intentioned fitness goals are gathering dust in the corner. So how do you turn boxing from an occasional hobby into a consistent habit? Let's dive in.

Set Clear, Achievable Goals
First things first, it's essential to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve through boxing. Whether it's mastering a new technique,
improving your endurance, or simply showing up to the gym consistently, setting specific, achievable goals will give you something to work towards and keep you motivated along the way.

Find Your Why
Why do you want to make boxing a habit? Is it to improve your health, boost your confidence, or maybe just to have fun and blow off steam? Whatever your reason, identifying your "why" will give you a powerful source of motivation to fall back on when the going gets tough.

Make It Convenient
Let's face it: when it comes to building a habit, convenience is key.
Find a boxing gym that's close to home or work, and choose workout times that fit seamlessly into your schedule. The less effort it takes to get to the gym, the more likely you are to stick with it.

Buddy Up
Everything's better with a buddy, and boxing is no exception.
Enlist a friend or family member to join you for workouts, or make friends with fellow boxers at the gym. Having someone to share the journey with not only makes workouts more enjoyable but also provides built-in accountability to help you stay on track.

Mix It Up
Variety is the spice of life, and the same holds true for your workouts. Keep things interesting by mixing up your boxing routine with different drills, techniques, and training partners. Not only will this prevent boredom, but it'll also challenge your body in new ways and keep you coming back for more.

Celebrate Small Wins
Finally, don't forget to celebrate your victories, no matter how small they may seem. Whether it's mastering a new combo, increasing your punching speed, or simply showing up to the gym on a busy day, every step forward is worth celebrating.
Acknowledge your progress, pat yourself on the back, and keep pushing towards your goals.

With clear goals, a strong sense of purpose, and a healthy dose of convenience and camaraderie, you'll be
knocking out workouts like a pro in no time. So lace up those gloves, step into the ring, and let's make working out a habit worth keeping.

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Kesava Commerford Kesava Commerford

Diet vs Exercise - what's more important?

Hey Undercard Fam, 

Diet and exercise.

Have you ever wondered what is more important when it comes to weightloss or body composition goals out of the two?

Well.. Here's a simple explanation.

Diet, mainly your calorie intake, has the biggest influence on how much weight you lose.

The reason being, it's a lot easier to eat fewer calories than burn them off.

For example, with a few small dietary adjustments, you can put yourself in a 500-calorie deficit.
One less sugar filled caramel latte a day, and a big ass salad instead of a GYG buritto at lunch and you are there! 

But.. To burn 500 calories, you'd need to do vigorous activity (like running or intense incline walking) for 45-60 mins - or, a solid boxing class! 

Every single day.

And that's just not sustainable for most people.


Exercise, mainly strength training, has the biggest influence on the type of weight you lose.

And by "type," I'm mostly referring to weight loss (which includes, water, fat, food-stuff, and muscle) vs. true fat loss.

Strength training helps you build muscle, but in a deficit, its most important role is in helping you maintain muscle.

This way, the weight you lose is coming entirely from body fat.

Knowing this distinction is crucial for getting results that last.

It's not 70% diet, 30% exercise.

It's not 50% diet, 50% exercise.

It's 100% diet AND exercise, as each influences your results in different ways.

This is why, you should sign up to our upcoming 8 week challenge (kicking off Monday 5th Feb) - because combining the two, is where the magic happens! 

Hope this helps :)

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Kesava Commerford Kesava Commerford

Your Fika Nutrition - 2024 Goal Setting Worksheet

Hey Undercard fam! 

It’s clear that when done correctly, goal setting can help us achieve more while feeling happier and more confident along the way. 

Seems like a no-brainer.

 Because of its implications in the health, education and business fields, there’s a mountain of research on the topic of goal setting.

What the Research Shows: 

• Setting goals leads to a greater sense of ownership over your behaviors, which can increase your natural motivation. 

 • Goal setting can lead to higher achievement. 

 • Achieving goals can increase self-efficacy which gives you greater control over your behaviors — leading to bigger and bigger achievements. 

• The challenge or meaning attached to goals can even lead to a greater sense of interest, joy and pride. 

 • In pursuit of larger goals, the accomplishment of subgoals can decrease feelings of anxiety, disappointment and frustration, increasing the likelihood of accomplishing the larger goal.

So without further ado..

Here is your Fika Nutrition... Goal Setting Worksheet!

Making sense?

Let's do this activity for your goal!

A key part of our approach to goal setting is getting you to break your big goals down into the little, actionable steps it takes to reach them.

In doing so you form habits that enable you to not only make changes that are huge, but ones that are also sustainable.

Fika Nutrition is much more than just a diet. 

Our goal is to help you become the person you want to be in every aspect of your life.

When you join our 1:1 programs, we’ll pair you up with the perfect coach for you and your goals. 

Through weekly check-ins, your coach will be there to support, guide, and cheer you on to success.

If you’re ready to make a physical, mental, and emotional transformation by way of wholesome, fuel-focused nutrition—then these programs are for you.

If not, regardless, we hope you will take the time to goal set pre 2024 and enjoy the template provided above!

Have a cracking end to 2023, and a safe, heathy and happy Christmas!

-Fika Nutrition

For personalized nutrition guidance or any questions about your health journey, connect with Zoe at Fika Nutrition! Visit and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you.

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Kesava Commerford Kesava Commerford

Fika Nutritions Four top tips to crushing December!

Hey Undercard + Fika fam, 

& heeeeeeey DECEMBER! (Wild!!) 

The silly season is full of social events, which is part of what makes them so fun right? And look, we get it; focusing on friends and family is tricky if you’re stressed about sticking to your nutrition game plan and are constantly surrounded by tempting treats, christmas parties and events. (+ peer pressure!) 

So without further ado, here is our step-by-step way to ensure you crush it this holiday season.

Step 1: Define Success for the Holiday Season.

Head into the holiday season with a clear vision of what success looks like for you.

This will give you a north star when deciding where, when, and if you’d like to indulge. 

Questions to Ask Yourself

  • Are there any events coming up where you have to weigh a certain amount or look a certain way (i.e., a weightlifting competition or wedding?)

  • What are your top priorities this holiday season? Family time and connection? Optimizing body composition? Finding a balance between the two?

  • How would you like to feel on January 1st when the hustle and bustle of the holiday season ends?

If you have a competition, need to make weight, or want to stay as dialed in as possible, maybe you focus on fun, not food, this holiday season. Or, perhaps your goal is to maintain your current weight and body composition so you can cut some slack to allow for a few more festive cookies.

This definition of success will allow you to clearly assess whether your actions bring you closer or further from this vision. Then, you can tweak and change behavior accordingly.

Step 2: Prioritize Your Holiday Events

Grab a calendar, write down your engagements and commitments, and prioritize! 
Depending on the vision you’ve created and the flexibility that vision allows, you can decide which holiday events are most important to you.

Questions to Ask Yourself:

  • What foods can you get at any time of the year? Think store-bought brownies at the office party.

  • Which foods are truly special and only come around during the holidays? Think grandma’s christmas dessert or your Aunt’s special cookies!

  • When will it be easiest to stay on track? Think restaurant meals with menu options or "bring a plate" that allow you to pick what goes on your plate.

  • When would you like to be more lenient? These are probably the occasions when those special foods may be around! 

Once the dates are laid out, decide where and when you want to indulge and when it makes the most sense to stick to the healthiest options possible. 

Step 3: Optimize Your Non-Holiday Nutrition

Consistency over time is where the magic happens. 
Read that again. 

To ensure that a few more indulgent meals don’t add up and slow down your journey to your goals, optimize your healthy nutrition choices when you don’t have much going on and commit to making choices that fuel your body.

Our favourite saying within the community is "what you do most of the time, matters most" so - even if you have two dinners on this week, that is still five dinners you are control, and crush (meaning you still land within a 80/20 range) 

The moral of the story? Don't write off an entire week because of a couple of social events. 

Step 4: Create Accountability

Partner, friend, coach (heyyyyyyy!)...

Enrolling others in your healthy holiday goals will allow them to hold you accountable when you need a little extra support to stick with it. 
As a bonus, telling others about your goals will also make them more real for you.

Make your goals as visible as possible—set a reminder photo as the background on your phone and computer, stick them on your bathroom mirror, or write them in a bedside note or journal. 
The more you remind yourself of your goals and the why behind them, the easier it will be to keep them top of mind.

Above all though, its a time for enjoyment, so....Enjoy! 

- Fika Nutrition 

P.s - here are some fun recipes if you are looking to "bring a plate' - hit the picture below, to be taken to the recipe! 

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Kesava Commerford Kesava Commerford

Unleashing the Power of Group Classes at Undercard Boxing Gym

In the dynamic world of fitness, group classes have emerged as a powerhouse for achieving health and wellness goals. At Undercard Boxing Gym, we bring a modern twist to traditional boxing and strength training, offering a range of group classes designed to elevate your fitness journey. In this article, we'll delve into the diverse classes we offer, their effectiveness, and the numerous advantages of participating in group fitness sessions.

1. Diverse Classes Catering to Every Fitness Enthusiast

Undercard Boxing Gym takes pride in providing a diverse range of classes that cater to various fitness levels and preferences. From high-intensity boxing classes to strength and conditioning sessions, we offer a spectrum of options to keep your workouts engaging and effective.

Boxing Classes for All Levels

Our boxing classes are a blend of skill development, cardiovascular conditioning, and strength training. Whether you're a seasoned boxer or stepping into the ring for the first time, our expert trainers ensure that each class is tailored to accommodate different skill levels.

HIIT Classes for Maximum Impact

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a cornerstone of our group classes. These sessions are designed to torch calories, improve cardiovascular fitness, and boost overall endurance. Expect an exhilarating workout that pushes your limits and delivers results.

Strength & Conditioning for a Powerful Physique

Undercard Boxing Gym recognizes the importance of strength training in achieving holistic fitness. Our strength and conditioning classes incorporate a mix of traditional and innovative exercises to help you build lean muscle, enhance stability, and improve overall strength.

2. The Effectiveness of Group Classes

Are group classes at Undercard Boxing Gym effective? Absolutely. The group dynamic not only adds an element of camaraderie but also serves as a motivational force. Working out alongside like-minded individuals creates a positive and encouraging atmosphere, inspiring you to push harder and achieve more.

3. Most Popular Group Fitness and Class Times

Our most popular group fitness classes include a combination of boxing and HIIT sessions. These classes provide a well-rounded workout experience, targeting various muscle groups and promoting overall fitness. As for class times, our schedule is designed to accommodate different lifestyles, with both morning and evening options available.

Class Schedule: [Explore our schedule page for timings and availability](

4. Benefits of Small Group Classes

Small group classes at Undercard Boxing Gym offer a personalised touch to your fitness journey. Here are some key benefits:

Individualised Attention: With smaller class sizes, our trainers can provide more personalised guidance, ensuring that you perform exercises with proper form and technique.

Increased Accountability: The group setting fosters a sense of accountability. You'll be motivated not just by your personal goals but also by the collective energy of the group.

Community Building: Small group classes create a strong sense of community, where participants support and uplift each other throughout their fitness journeys.

5. Advantages and Disadvantages of Group Exercise

While the advantages of group exercise are plentiful, it's essential to acknowledge that individual preferences may vary. Here's a quick overview:


Motivation and Accountability: The energy of the group fosters motivation and accountability.

Social Interaction: Group classes provide an opportunity to socialize and build connections.

Structured Workouts: Classes are structured, eliminating the need to plan your own workouts.


Varied Fitness Levels: Group classes may have participants with different fitness levels, requiring modifications for some individuals.

Limited Personalization: In larger classes, personalization may be limited compared to one-on-one training.

6. The Purpose of Training in Groups

Training in groups at Undercard Boxing Gym serves several purposes:

Motivation: Group dynamics motivate individuals to give their best effort.

Shared Goals: Participants share common fitness goals, creating a sense of unity.

Fun and Enjoyment: Workouts become enjoyable experiences, making it more likely for individuals to stick to their fitness routines.

7. Overall Benefits of Gym Classes

The benefits of participating in gym classes at Undercard Boxing Gym extend beyond physical fitness:

Mental Well-being: Regular exercise is known to enhance mood and reduce stress. The group setting amplifies these mental health benefits.

Accountability: Knowing that you have a class to attend adds a layer of accountability to your fitness routine.

Skill Development: Whether you're honing your boxing skills or mastering new workout techniques, our classes provide opportunities for skill development.

For detailed pricing information, visit our [Memberships page](

Conclusion: Elevate Your Fitness Journey with Undercard Boxing Gym

In conclusion, group classes at Undercard Boxing Gym offer a multifaceted approach to fitness. From diverse class options and effective workouts to the sense of community and mental well-being, our group classes are designed to empower you on your fitness journey. Join us at Undercard Boxing Gym and experience the transformative benefits of group fitness.

Remember, your fitness is a journey, and at Undercard Boxing Gym, we're here to make every step of that journey exhilarating and rewarding.

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Kesava Commerford Kesava Commerford

Unveiling the Remarkable Benefits of Boxing for Your Body and Mind

Unveil the incredible physical and mental advantages of boxing at Undercard Gym. Experience a full-body workout, improved strength, and enhanced endurance while relieving stress and boosting confidence through the art of boxing. Explore our schedule and memberships for a transformative fitness journey.

Introduction: In the bustling world of fitness, boxing has evolved into the ultimate exercise, offering a comprehensive blend of physical and mental benefits that surpass traditional workouts. Beyond the stereotypical image of boxing, Undercard provides a modern perspective that fuses the power of boxing with strength training, creating an environment that propels you toward optimal well-being.

The Benefits of Boxing Physically and Mentally: Boxing isn't just another workout; it's a transformative experience that positively impacts both your body and mind. Regardless of intensity, exercise carries profound effects on your overall health. Boxing, in particular, emerges as a top contender due to its ability to deliver a full-body workout, enhance strength, and elevate endurance. At Undercard, our advanced facilities feature 86 kg Aqua Bags and cutting-edge Technogym Skillmills, ensuring that every session maximizes these benefits.

Physical Benefits that Transcend: The physical advantages of boxing are truly boundless, reaching beyond just the superficial. Engaging in regular boxing sessions contributes to:

  • Lowered risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke.

  • Enhanced bone and muscle strength.

  • Amplified upper-body and core strength.

  • Improved balance and coordination.

  • Elevated endurance levels for increased stamina.

  • Effective weight management through rigorous workouts.

Boxing's Mental Health Impact: In an era filled with life's stresses, boxing serves as a remarkable outlet for mental well-being. The act of strapping on gloves and connecting with a punching bag offers more than just a physical release. Boxing acts as a stress-relief mechanism, allowing you to channel your energy in a positive and cathartic way. Furthermore, the confidence gained from mastering the art of boxing translates into heightened self-assurance, reducing anxiety and fostering mental resilience.

Confidence Beyond the Ring: While the physical and mental benefits of boxing are evident, its practical application should not be underestimated. In an increasingly uncertain world, possessing the confidence that boxing imparts is an invaluable asset. The ability to defend oneself can be empowering, providing a sense of security that extends beyond the gym.

Top 5 Tips for First-Timers: For those venturing into the world of boxing for the first time, here are essential tips to make the most of your journey:

  1. Choose a reputable gym with experienced boxing coaches who will guide you through the fundamentals, ensuring an enjoyable experience while minimizing the risk of injury.

  2. Learn the art of hand wrapping to protect your hands, a vital aspect of boxing. High-quality, well-padded bag gloves are essential for safeguarding your hands during training.

  3. Avoid overtraining; excessive impact from constant punching can strain joints, bones, and muscles. Prioritize adequate rest between heavy bag sessions to prevent injury.

  4. Incorporate shadowboxing into your routine. Practicing techniques in front of a mirror aids in refining defensive skills and correcting form.

  5. Prioritize proper nutrition. A balanced diet is integral to complement your hard training, ensuring that your efforts yield optimal results.

Ready to embrace the transformative journey that boxing offers? Explore our schedule page to plan your training sessions. For detailed information about memberships and pricing, visit our comprehensive guide on memberships.

At Undercard, we're not just about fitness; we're about empowerment, growth, and unleashing your potential through the art of boxing.

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Kesava Commerford Kesava Commerford

Unlocking Wellness: The Incredible Benefits of Infrared Saunas

Discover the transformative power of infrared saunas! Learn about the remarkable advantages, from detoxification to pain relief, and find out how regular sessions can enhance your overall well-being. Explore the pros and cons of infrared saunas for a balanced approach to health and relaxation.

# **The Incredible Benefits of Infrared Saunas**

Infrared saunas have gained popularity in recent years for their numerous health benefits and therapeutic effects. Unlike traditional saunas that use heated air to warm the body, infrared saunas use infrared rays to penetrate the skin, creating a gentle and soothing heat. This innovative approach offers a host of advantages that promote physical well-being, relaxation, and overall health. In this article, we will explore the remarkable benefits of infrared saunas, answering essential questions and shedding light on both the advantages and potential drawbacks.

## How often should you use an infrared sauna for benefits?

To experience the benefits of an infrared sauna, consistency is key. While the frequency of use may vary from person to person, regular sessions are recommended for optimal results. For most individuals, using an infrared sauna two to three times per week can deliver noticeable benefits. However, it's essential to listen to your body and avoid overexertion. Starting with shorter sessions of around 15-20 minutes and gradually increasing the duration can help acclimate your body to the infrared heat.

## Does infrared sauna burn fat?

Yes, an infrared sauna can play a role in supporting weight loss and fat burning. During an infrared sauna session, your body temperature rises, and you begin to sweat. This sweating process expends energy, which in turn burns calories. Some studies suggest that a 30-minute infrared sauna session can burn anywhere from 300 to 600 calories. However, it's crucial to understand that using an infrared sauna alone is not a substitute for a balanced diet and regular exercise. It should be seen as a complementary addition to a healthy lifestyle.

## How long before you see benefits of an infrared sauna?

The timeframe for experiencing the benefits of an infrared sauna can vary depending on individual factors and health conditions. Some people may notice positive effects after just a few sessions, while others may take more time. Generally, within a few weeks of regular use, individuals often report improvements in sleep quality, relaxation, and a sense of overall well-being. For specific concerns such as pain relief or skin improvement, it may take a bit longer to see noticeable results.

## What are 3 benefits of infrared?

### 1. **Detoxification**

One of the primary benefits of infrared saunas is detoxification. The deep-penetrating heat causes the body to sweat more profusely than in traditional saunas, promoting the elimination of toxins and heavy metals. Sweating is a natural process that helps cleanse the body, and infrared saunas can enhance this process, leaving you feeling refreshed and revitalized.

### 2. **Pain Relief and Muscle Recovery**

The infrared heat can effectively alleviate muscle and joint pain. As the heat penetrates deep into the muscles, it helps increase blood flow and circulation, which can speed up the body's natural healing processes. Many athletes and fitness enthusiasts use infrared saunas as part of their recovery routine to reduce muscle soreness and promote faster healing after intense workouts.

### 3. **Stress Reduction and Relaxation**

Infrared sauna sessions offer an opportunity to unwind and de-stress. The soothing heat helps relax the body and mind, promoting a sense of tranquility and calmness. As stress levels decrease, the body's cortisol levels may also decrease, leading to a better overall mood and improved mental well-being.

## What are the disadvantages of infrared heating?

While infrared saunas offer a plethora of benefits, there are some potential drawbacks to consider:

### 1. **Dehydration**

The heat from an infrared sauna can cause excessive sweating, leading to dehydration if not properly hydrated before and after the session. It's essential to drink plenty of water before, during, and after the sauna session to stay adequately hydrated.

### 2. **Overexertion**

Using an infrared sauna for too long or too frequently can lead to overexertion, especially for those who are not accustomed to high heat. It's crucial to listen to your body and avoid staying in the sauna for extended periods.

### 3. **Health Concerns**

Individuals with certain health conditions, such as cardiovascular issues or low blood pressure, should consult a healthcare professional before using an infrared sauna. While generally safe for most people, those with specific medical concerns should exercise caution.

## What are the pros and cons of infrared?

Infrared saunas offer a host of benefits, but it's essential to consider both the pros and cons:


- Effective detoxification and cleansing of the body.

- Relieves muscle pain and aids in faster recovery after exercise.

- Promotes relaxation and reduces stress levels.

- Can aid in weight loss efforts and burning calories.

- Convenient and easy to use in the comfort of your home or at a spa.


- Potential dehydration if not properly hydrated.

- Risk of overexertion with excessive use.

- Not suitable for individuals with certain health conditions.

- Initial investment in purchasing an infrared sauna unit.

In conclusion, infrared saunas offer a plethora of incredible benefits for both the body and mind. Regular use can lead to improved overall health, relaxation, and a sense of well-being. However, it's essential to use them responsibly, stay properly hydrated, and seek medical advice if you have any health concerns. So why not experience the therapeutic and rejuvenating effects of an infrared sauna for yourself? Incorporate this natural and gentle heat therapy into your routine and embark on a journey of improved health and vitality.



1. **Are infrared saunas safe for everyone?**

- Infrared saunas are generally safe for most people, but individuals with certain health conditions should consult a healthcare professional before use.

2. **Can infrared saunas help with skin improvement?**

- Yes, the deep-penetrating heat of infrared saunas can promote better blood flow and oxygenation to the skin, potentially leading to improved skin tone and complexion.

3. **Can you use an infrared sauna for weight loss alone?**

- While infrared saunas can aid in calorie burning, they should be seen as a complementary addition to a balanced diet and regular exercise for effective weight loss.

4. **How long should a typical infrared sauna session last?**

- A typical infrared sauna session lasts around 15-30 minutes, depending on personal preferences and tolerance to heat.

5. **Can you use an infrared sauna during pregnancy?**

- Pregnant women should consult their healthcare provider before using an infrared sauna, as the increased body temperature may not be suitable during pregnancy.

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Kesava Commerford Kesava Commerford

Boost Your Fitness Motivation: 10 Proven Strategies to Stay on Track

1. Set Clear and Realistic Goals

The first step to staying motivated is to set clear and achievable fitness goals. Whether it's improving your endurance, losing weight, or gaining muscle, defining specific objectives will give you direction and purpose in your fitness journey. Break down your larger goals into smaller milestones, celebrating each achievement along the way.

Staying motivated for fitness can be challenging, especially when life gets busy or obstacles stand in your way. But fear not! In this blog post, we will explore ten proven strategies to boost your fitness motivation and keep you on track towards your health and wellness goals.

1. Set Clear and Realistic Goals

The first step to staying motivated is to set clear and achievable fitness goals. Whether it's improving your endurance, losing weight, or gaining muscle, defining specific objectives will give you direction and purpose in your fitness journey. Break down your larger goals into smaller milestones, celebrating each achievement along the way.

2. Find Your Why

Understanding the reasons behind your fitness aspirations is crucial for sustained motivation. Discover your "why" - the deep-rooted reasons that drive you to prioritize fitness. It could be for better health, increased energy, or simply to feel confident and strong. Whenever you feel demotivated, remind yourself of your "why" to reignite your determination.

3. Create a Supportive Environment

Surround yourself with a positive and supportive fitness community. Engage with like-minded individuals at your gym or fitness classes, or join online fitness groups for additional encouragement. Having a support network can boost your motivation, provide accountability, and make your fitness journey more enjoyable.

4. Mix Up Your Routine

Repetitive workouts can lead to boredom and decreased motivation. Keep things fresh and exciting by diversifying your exercise routine. Try new workouts, explore different fitness classes, or incorporate outdoor activities like hiking or cycling. Variety not only challenges your body but also keeps your mind engaged.

5. Reward Yourself

Celebrate your fitness achievements with meaningful rewards. Treat yourself to a massage, buy that new workout gear you've had your eye on, or enjoy a guilt-free cheat meal. Rewards provide positive reinforcement and make your fitness journey feel more gratifying.

6. Track Your Progress

Keep track of your fitness progress to see how far you've come. Use a fitness journal, mobile app, or wearable tracker to monitor your workouts, nutrition, and other health metrics. Seeing your improvements on paper or screen can be incredibly motivating and inspire you to keep pushing forward.

7. Schedule Your Workouts

Treat your workouts like important appointments by scheduling them in your calendar. Allocate dedicated time for exercise, and make it non-negotiable. By prioritizing your workouts, you'll be less likely to skip them, ensuring consistent progress towards your goals.

8. Visualize Success

Take a moment each day to visualize yourself achieving your fitness goals. See yourself performing exercises with ease, reaching new personal bests, or embracing a healthier lifestyle. Visualization can boost your confidence and reinforce a positive mindset, helping you overcome challenges along the way.

9. Seek Professional Guidance

If you find yourself struggling to stay motivated, consider seeking support from fitness professionals. Personal trainers or fitness coaches can design personalized workout plans, provide expert guidance, and keep you accountable. Their expertise can reignite your motivation and optimize your fitness journey.

10. Embrace the Journey

Remember that fitness is a journey, not a destination. Embrace the process, and be kind to yourself when facing setbacks or plateaus. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small, and focus on the positive changes you've made in your lifestyle.

In conclusion, boosting your fitness motivation requires dedication, perseverance, and a positive mindset. Set clear goals, find your "why," and surround yourself with a supportive community. Stay adaptable by trying new workouts and tracking your progress, and remember to reward yourself for your hard work. With these strategies, you'll find the motivation to conquer your fitness goals and lead a healthier, happier life.

Start your fitness journey with Undercard today! Buy sessions on our memberships page [Buy Sessions:] and book your classes on our schedule page [Book In:]. Let's embark on this fitness adventure together!

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